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URGENT: Support HF 2017 - Iowa's ARNP Tax Credit Bill!

Posted 7 months ago

Dear INPS Members, 

We need your support for HF 2017, a proposed bill that offers an income tax credit to ARNPs who mentor students through clinical preceptorships. Here is a link to the language for HF 2017.

What is HF 2017?

HF 2017 is a proposed bill in Iowa that would provide a $500 income tax credit to Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNPs) who mentor ARNP students through clinical preceptorships. Up to $2000 can be awarded.

Why is HF 2017 important?

HF 2017 is crucial for enhancing the quality of ARNP education and expanding Iowa's healthcare workforce. By incentivizing ARNPs to serve as preceptors, the bill addresses the shortage of clinical preceptors and improves access to quality care for Iowa residents. Right now 30% of those wanting to become an ARNP are turned away because of lack of preceptors in the state.

How does HF 2017 benefit ARNP students?

HF 2017 increases preceptorship availability, allowing ARNP students to gain valuable clinical experience under the guidance of experienced practitioners. This hands-on training is essential for their professional development and readiness to enter the workforce.


How can I support HF 2017?

You can support HF 2017 by contacting your Representatives and urging them to support the bill in the Ways & Means Committee. Encourage them to advocate for its passage among their colleagues to ensure its success in advancing Iowa's healthcare system.


To put it simply: HF 2017 addresses shortages in preceptorship availability and enhances the quality of ARNP education. 


We need you to contact your State Representative today and ask them to champion HF 2017 in the Ways & Means Committee and ensure a stronger healthcare future for Iowa.


Together, we can make a difference in shaping the future of healthcare education and access in Iowa. Let's unite our voices in support of HF 2017!



INPS Board of Directors


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